
We are on line; visit Live Conference at http://i3.ut.pr

Save the date!!! Scientific Program is available here.
Abstract Submission for Posters (February 20, 2012) Early Registration (until March 12, 2012; register here)
Abstract selection has been notified. Outstanding poster will be recognized.
Webcast (outside Puerto Rico): Register here (no charges) to receive access code.
General Program: Registration (8AM), Conferences (9AM), Poster Session (1PM). Detailes coming soon.


Nowadays, disciplines seek to combine innovative solutions to face environmental challenges to life on Earth. Everyday, profound scientific initiatives disclose microbial properties that are valuable to understand and to deal with environmental constraints that mankind has made. Therefore, we are convening international and local researchers, within an interdisciplinary scenario, to discuss microbial capabilities and diversity with potential for novel products. We take this opportunity to examine scientific advances towards environmental balances, sustainable development, and societal progress with lessons for innovation. New discoveries are achieved by searching for frontiers in environmental microbiology.

We, at Universidad del Turabo and the Puerto Rico Institute for Microbial Ecology Research (PRIMER), recognize our responsibility to search for and carry out research that will provide solutions to environmental constraints and descriptions of novel and intriguing biological phenomena. This is a task for multiple disciplines and a commitment for the global scientific community to achieve transformations.

The PRIMER pursues a better understanding of microbial roles within the Neotropical environment with global impact. We invite you to be part of this journey:

V Frontiers in Environmental Microbiology: Entities in Command

Amphiteather Argentina Hills  Museum-Universidad del Turabo  Gurabo, PR
Friday, March 16, 2012 8:30 AM-2:00 PM